Maude Franklin Pierce, my great grand aunt, was born on November 30, 1879 in Middleboro, Massachusetts. She was the fourth of five daughters born to Mary Ann Besse and Thomas Warren Pierce. Growing up in a well-to-do family, she and her four sisters were afforded every opportunity. They all became refined ladies, college educated and proficient in the art of music. The Pierce girls were well-known within the music circuit. Maude became a classical pianist, sang opera, performed in concerts and was an actress. She performed at The Boston Symphony Hall and other grand halls around the world.
On September 6, 1918 Maude applied for a passport as an entertainer for the Soldiers with the America's Over There Theater League under the YMCA. With the approval of the United States War Department, Maude departed from New York to entertain the soldiers serving in WWI.
When the
time came for the men to go back to their posts of service, there was unanimous
appreciation and praise for the good times enjoyed and regret that they were so
soon ended. The primary purpose of the leave was to restore their spirits
and heighten morale.
married Joseph Allen, a gentlemen from South Yarmouth, Massachusetts.
From Middleboro they moved to Fairfield, Connecticut where their first
child, a son, was born in 1903. A second son arrived in
1912. During these years, Maude continued to give concerts in New
York City.

Maude's later years, she returned home to Middleboro. She entered the
Hannah B. G. Shaw Home for the Aged. Every day she would
play the piano and sing to all the residents and staff. My father,
Robert Franklin Smith would go and visit her there.
Maude passed away on April 24, 1960. She is buried in the family Pierce
plot the Central Cemetery, Middleboro, MA. This medallion sits on her
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