Learning from the past, living in the moment, and leaving footprints for the future. Stories of lov

Friday, April 20, 2012

Have a Laugh or Two

The Eau Gallie Record posted jokes on a regular basis for their readership to enjoy.  Here are a few that I will share with you.

A cow stood on the railroad track.
A train came around the bend.
She never had been hit before
But she got it in the end.

A young lady with vamp blue eyes and a store-bought complexion came into the Record office the other day.  And after watching the Linograph in operation for a few minutes said to the operator, "That's an extra large typewriter is it not - but where do you put the paper?"

This is leap year.  If some flappers assume some of Danny Cupid's modesty, they might hit what they shoot for before 1925.

I know a little man
and he plays a little flute.
I know why all the neighbors
are learning how to shoot.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Olde Southern Charm

One of the most fascinating places I have visited is the Eau Gallie Cemetery.  It is not only a beautiful olde southern cemetery, but it holds the history of the town of Eau Gallie, Florida that was established by its founder, John Carroll Houston in 1862.  It is also sad to note that in 1969, this wonderful historical community merged into the city of Melbourne, much to the chagrin of many of its citizens.

Just about anyone that was important to the growth of this gallant little town is buried in the Eau Gallie Cemetery.  I may be biased, but that doesn't change the history, for it is written.  In this cemetery rests Jesse Kerrick, owner of the grocery store and fire chief.  Gov. Gleason and his family is there.

The Rossetter family, James, who became known as a leader in the local fishing industry and founded a wholesale fishing enterprise.  He also became an agent for the Standard Oil Company.  Upon his death his daughter Carolyn applied for and took over her father's job and became the first female agent and held the job for 62 years. 

Here you will also find Dr. William Creel, the first doctor to stay in this community, a much loved man who was referred to as one of God's chosen people and the town named the new causeway spanning the Indian River for him.

When the Civil War began John Carroll Houston the IV began to operate boats on the Indian River in the interest of the Confederacy,  He was the first man to navigate this river and became known as Captain John.  He was captured and kept prisoner at sea for three months and at the end of the war he was paroled in Key West.

My great grandfather, William Russell Roesch, first mayor of Eau Gallie, his son William Phillip and partner in running the Eau Gallie Record and family members all rest here.  The stories of Ada, Nellie, Lena, and Clarence have been told.

There are many stories of others here who built roads, homes and churches, belonged to various organizations, all to help each other turn a wilderness into the neighborhood community known as Eau Gallie.  But pictures are worth a thousand words.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Keeping A Short Leash

This black sheep will have to remain anonymous, because it is an entity that is still in business.  Most likely the individual that did this to my family years ago, around the time of the depression, is no longer with us.  The strange thing is, nothing was ever spoken of it, and the parties who were also neighbors remained kindly to one another, at least face-to-face.

Restaurant on the left
Gas Station on right
My grandmother, Florence, ran a dining room that was a regular stop for truck drivers.  As a matter-of-fact, one of the truck drivers would let my mother, at the of twelve, drive his truck about 1000 yards up the road, stop and let her out.  She would then walk home and the driver would continue on his way.

Some of the other customers included citrus farm laborers.  At noon the workers would leave the orange tree fields and go to my grandmothers for lunch. The plantation owner wasn't too happy that his workers were spending the salaries he paid them paying his neighbor not only for lunch but also purchasing gasoline for their automobiles.  My great grandfather, Emond, ran a gasoline repair business that sat on the same property.

So the good business owner built not only a lunch room but a gas station as well on his property.  Then told his workers they must buy their lunch and gasoline there.  Seems to me he wanted the salary he paid them put back into his pockets. 

The question is "Why did the laborers do what they were told?"

Update:  3/1/19 The entity, Harvey's Grove went out of business three months ago. So I feel free to divulge their name.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mary Jane Houston

Charles John Young and Mary Jane Houston

Mary Jane Houston, my 2nd great Aunt, was a daughter of John Carrol Houston, one of the first settlers of Eau Gallie Florida. Her mother was Mary Virginia Hall a/k/a Mary Virginia Murray.  Her father gave her a dower of land.
On April 6 1897 Mary Houston Young signed away a portion of her dower rights  She and her husband, Charles John Young, signed the warrant deed transferring a lot in the Houston addition to Eau Gallie to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the Missionary Juristiction of Southern Florida, for the purpose of building a church already named "St. John's.

They were among the first 29 communicants of St John's Church.  They aided and assisted by money and work in building this church. The documents were witnessed by Henry Hodgson and Jno. E.M. Hodgson, Notary Public.  The examination of title (search)  was made on April 16 1897, and the transaction recorded in Deed Book "B.B." pg 650, on May 1 1897. 

Mary and her husand Charles
are buried in the Eau GallieCemetery,
Eau Gallie, Florida

Mary Houston Young was sister to my great grandmother, Ada Louise Houston Roesch.  They are all buried in the Eau Gallie Cemetery. Whereas Mary and Charles Young built the St. John's Church, Ada and her husband William Roesch built the St. Paul's Methodist Church.

As the membership grew at St. John's, it became necessary to enlarge the Church.  It just amazes me that it was decided  to retain to the original sanctuary so the new church  was enlarged around it.  The old sanctuary is beautiful.

I wish everyone respected history this much.

The Young family moved to Miami about1922, where Charles Young continued to work for the East Coast Lumber and Supply Company.   

Monday, April 9, 2012

25 Years Into The Future

Written by my grandfather, William Phillip Roesch, Publisher of the Eau Gallie Record in 1925.  In his words, February 5, 1925.

"Conditions change with the passing of time; 25 years ago when the writer was a boy, a street or road in this section paved with oyster shell with a width of 8 ft. was something to wonder at, and to go out of our way in order to drive over it.  Today we accept as a necessity 40 ft. asphalt streets and 18 ft. concrete roads - even pledge our property collectively in order to provide additional streets and roads, so that we may move quickly and comfortably from place to place.' 

"Twenty-five years in the future, in 1950, it is possible the elaborate systems of streets and highways of which we are so proud today will be used only as a parking place for our airplanes.  It is more than probable, it is certain, that development of transportation will continue and the airplane of 1950 will be even more a necessity to everyday life than the automobile of 1925 or the bicycle and horse of 1900."

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