Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why they call it the present”
Time doesn’t stand still; it is forever evolving, changing, whether we want it to or not. At times it is hard to let go and accept the changes that will inevitably come but accept we must. What choice do we have? It is called life after all.
It is important to take advantage of the gifts that come our way, especially the simple things, like a girls' get-away weekend, a family outing, birthday party, wedding, vacation or any other numerous gatherings of celebration with kin and friends that might or might not come again.
Sadly, those precious opportunities that we pass on will be lost forever by any number of means. It could be something as simple as moving away, the birth of a child, or as emotional as a death. Some gifts only present themselves once. These are the things that memories are made of. These are the remarkable and sometimes mundane stories we leave behind for our descendants. It’s not just a matter of what you leave behind; it's more of appreciating the joys as we go through life. Take the time, as that old proverb tells us, "Smell the roses along the way". This becomes the history of your life.
The day will come when you will look back upon your life. You will not measure it by accomplishments, financial or otherwise, but by the memories that you captured and the love that you have shared with others.
(Picture, road to Eau Gallie, Florida)
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